The Essential 8 Framework
The Australian Signals Directorate, which protects our country against cybersecurity threats, has developed a world-class cyber management framework called the Essential Eight.
The Essential Eight is a framework of ever-evolving security measures that businesses can implement to protect themselves against cyber threats. It involves:
- Conducting application control – making a list of apps and programs that are legitimate and safe to use.
- Patching applications – updating apps and software as soon as updates become available.
- Configuring Microsoft Office macro settings – restricting the use of macros to protect against malware infections.
- Practising user application hardening – adding layers of security to your apps and operating system to make it harder for cybercriminals to break into your devices.
- Restricting administrative privileges – limiting which staff can perform sensitive tasks and creating protocols around administrative privileges.
- Patching operating systems – updating your software, servers and network devices.
- Using multi-factor authentication – making staff prove their identity in two or more ways before accessing internal accounts.
- Doing regular backups – keeping all your important information in a secure space so you can access it if your devices experience a cyber attack.